Sunday, April 20


April 20th

I think I've figured it out, I think I know how to get word out about the resistance, about the movement, about the atrocities, that our so called government is committing. I vaguely remembered an old lullaby that my parents used to sing to me, I'm not sure of the origin and that doesn't matter any more, but the lines, the meaning all seem to fit as though they knew I was born to lead the uprising.

Shall I think of honour as lies?
Or lament it's aged slow demise?
Shall I stand as a total stranger
On this day in this stone chamber?

I know there's more to it but I all hear when I try to remember is a humming sound. Maybe it will come to me one day. But we have decided that words from these lines will signal members of the resistance to each other. A keyword from the lyrics will be said by one member, another in response and then they shall know they are in safe company.

So now my issue it how to strengthen our numbers, how to open the eyes of the public to the strength they have inside of them. For now I think I shall ponder this and watch the filthy snow fall on the city.

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