Sunday, July 13


Where have I been?
What date is it now?

I can't seem to remember... All that is left . . .YOU ARE THE MACHINE. . .is this humming in my head.
hmm hmmm hm hm hmm hm hmmm
hm hmmm hmm hm hm hm hmmm
hmm hm hmm hm hm hmmhm hmm
hm hm hm hm hmm hm hmhm

I have no idea what it is or what it means. And I know that I probably sound crazy but my eyes feel like they don't . . .DON'T QUESTION. . . be long in my head. They feel too big for their sockets and when I try to touch them my hand refuses to obey.

I don't know what was done to me or where I was when it was done. I'm not sure what the state of the city is . . .OBEY. . . in, I'm sure nothing much has changed since I last wrote. I will update more later once I get my bearings . . . kzzzztYzzzOUth zzzzthTHEbzzzft MACHIbbft. . . again. . .